Monday, 31 October 2011

This is not the life I ordered....

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? Scientist? Astronaut? Spice Girl?
I had tons of different ambitions as a kid, but to be completely honest, the only thing I've ever felt completely satisfied doing is being a mum. Much as I'd love to be earning megabucks with some glittering career, my heart just isn't in it!
In an ideal world, I'd be living in the country, feeding chickens and growing veg, with a few adorable children and a handsome husband who not only worships me, but is also incredibly handy around the house and a whizz in the bedroom. Now really, is that too much to ask?
Either way, it's a far cry from the reality! I real life, I'm a single mum to two rather lovely but completely exhausting kids, living with my mum and trying to scrape by on very little money while battling rheumatoid arthritis.
I've had a ton of changes in my life over the last two years, but I've always believed that the best way to get through life is with good friends, good humour and a good attitude.
So, this is my new chapter of my crazy life, come and join me while I deal with it all...from sick pets and misbehaving kids, to improving my financial situation and decorating my house, all with a glass of wine and a slice of cake!

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